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吕利强 《探矿工程》2020,47(3):53-58
滇西南中生代盐盆地钾盐资源调查评价项目MK-3井,设计井深2700 m,全孔取心,岩心直径≮80 mm,一般井段岩心采取率达到80%以上,盐岩段岩心采取率>95%。工程技术要求高,施工难度大。施工中遇到了地层坍塌、涌水、掉块、盐岩溶蚀等问题,通过采用氯化镁饱和盐水冲洗液,HXY-9B型钻机取心钻进、TSJ-2000型水源钻机扩孔钻进,分级下管隔离等措施,圆满完成了钻探任务。完钻井深2701 m,岩心采取率90%,盐岩段岩心采取率达98.65%,终孔口径127 mm,岩心直径81 mm。经地球物理测井,各项指标都达到了设计要求。刷新了国内CHD127标准绳索取心钻杆P口径钻探深度的记录。  相似文献   
A FORTRAN program, consistent with the commercially available finite element (FE) code ABAQUS, is developed based on a three-dimensional (3D) linear elastic brittle damage constitutive model with two damage criteria. To consider the heterogeneity of rock, the developed FORTRAN program is used to set the stiffness and strength properties of each element of the FE model following a Weibull distribution function. The reliability of the program is assessed against available experimental results for granite cylindrical specimens with a throughgoing, flat and inclined fissure. The calibration procedure of the material parameters is explained in detail, and it is shown that the compressive to tensile strength ratio can have a substantial influence on the failure response of the specimens. Numerical simulations are conducted for models with different levels of heterogeneity. The results show a smaller load bearing capacity for models with less homogeneity, representing gradual coalescence of fully damaged elements forming throughout the models during loading. The maximum load bearing capacity is studied for various combinations of inclination angles of two centrally aligned, throughgoing and flat fissures of equal length embedded in cylindrical models under uniaxial and multiaxial loading conditions. The key role of the compressive to tensile strength ratio is highlighted by repeating certain simulations with a lower compressive to tensile strength ratio. It is proven that the peak loads of the rock models with sufficiently small compressive to tensile strength ratios containing two throughgoing fissures of equal length are similar, provided that the minimum inclination angles of the models are the same. The results are presented and discussed with respect to the existing experimental findings in the literature, suggesting that the numerical model applied in this study can provide useful insight into the failure behaviour of rock-like materials.  相似文献   
Within the Variscan Orogen, Early Devonian and Late Devonian high‐P belts separated by mid‐Devonian ophiolites can be interpreted as having formed in a single subduction zone. Early Devonian convergence nucleated a Laurussia‐dipping subduction zone from an inherited lithospheric neck (peri‐Gondwanan Cambrian back‐arc). Slab‐retreat induced upper plate extension, mantle incursion and lower plate thermal softening, favouring slab‐detachment within the lower plate and diapiric exhumation of deep‐seated rocks through the overlying mantle up to relaminate the upper plate. Upper plate extension produced mid‐Devonian suprasubduction ocean floor spreading (Devonian ophiolites), while further convergence resulted in plate coupling and intraoceanic ophiolite imbrication. Accretion of the remaining Cambrian ocean heralded Late Devonian subduction of inner sections of Gondwana across the same subduction zone and the underthrusting of mainland Gondwana (culmination of NW Iberian allochthonous pile). Oblique convergence favoured lateral plate sliding, and explained the different lateral positions along Gondwana of terranes separated by Palaeozoic ophiolites.  相似文献   
2020年中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所建所80周年。回眸80年,从1940年重庆北碚成立的中国地理研究所,到1953年重新组建的中国科学院地理研究所和1956年成立的中国科学院自然资源综合考察委员会,再到1999年地理研究所和自然资源综合考察委员会整合形成现在的地理科学与资源研究所,几经变迁,历经三代人努力,研究所始终如一,求真务实,开拓进取,推动着地理科学与资源科学的创新发展,为国家建设发展和生态文明进步做出了重要贡献。适逢建所80周年,本文回顾地理资源所发展历程,总结取得的重要科研成果,并展望未来发展。  相似文献   
祁连山是中国西部重要生态安全屏障,是国家重点生态功能区,其生态保护与治理一直受到国家、地方政府和当地居民高度关注。目前,在祁连山的生态保护工作中,缺乏对现状基础数据的全面掌握,区域经济发展与生态环境保护矛盾突出,生态环境综合监测系统不完备,生态补偿机制推进实施缺乏创新。在全面梳理祁连山目前存在的重大生态问题的基础上,提出了祁连山生态保护红线落地并严守的建议,包括加快开展祁连山综合科学考察、完善并落实开展生态补偿机制、探索以正面清单为导向的协调发展模式、促进生态安全与地方经济社会可持续发展相协调、进一步实施重大配套政策、完善保障支撑体系等。  相似文献   
许阳贵  刘云刚 《热带地理》2019,39(6):855-868
利用拓展贸易引力模型,借助Eviews等工具分析了影响中国与“一带一路”沿线国家贸易规模的因素,以及中国对外直接投资的滞后性对双边贸易的影响。结果表明:1)中国与“一带一路”沿线国家贸易规模受到经济发展水平、市场规模、政治制度、贸易畅通性、便利性、中国对外直接投资、民间文化交流紧密度的影响;2)中国对外直接投资对于带动中国与“一带一路”沿线国家间的贸易规模具有正向作用,但其效应具有一定滞后性;3)中国对外直接投资对于带动中国与不同“一带一路”沿线国家贸易规模的引力大小不同,可分为投资带动力巨大型、投资带动型、投资一般型、投资带动力不足型4种类型,中国与东南亚、西亚和撒哈拉以南的非洲国家贸易规模受中国对外直接投资带动作用较强。  相似文献   
“一带一路”倡议是新时期中国为加强对外开放提出的全球化合作倡议,资源环境的优化配置对全球化发展意义重大。气温作为重要的基础数据和输入要素,对其进行空间化处理是实现大尺度区域资源环境优化配置的前提。本文基于地理信息技术(GIS),运用距离平方反比法(IDS)、协同克里格法(CK)、回归距离平方反比法(RIDS)和回归协同克里格法(RCK),对“一带一路”地区1980—2017年的2679个气象站点的月平均气温和年平均气温数据进行插值,获得了“一带一路”地区10 km分辨率的气温空间分布数据。交叉验证结果表明:① IDS、CK、RIDS和RCK插值法在整体上均较好地展示了“一带一路”地区气温的地理空间分布规律,4种插值方法的月均气温的均方根误差分别在1.93~2.43、1.78~2.14、1.31~2.23和1.23~1.92 ℃之间;年均气温的均方根误差分别为1.94、1.83、1.37和1.27 ℃;② 在“一带一路”地区,加入协变量分析的CK插值精度整体优于IDS,并且削弱了IDS的极值现象;③ RIDS和RCK对年均气温的插值精度分别较IDS和CK提高了29.4%和30.6%,表明加入地理要素并进行残差修正的插值精度得到了进一步提高。总体来看,RCK插值法对气温数据的插值精度最高,可以考虑将此方法作为“一带一路”地区温度等气象要素的插值方法。  相似文献   
潘波  程滔  徐丹  刘松军 《岩石学报》2020,36(7):2067-2080
长白山天池火口北侧天文峰之上,一套醒目的黄色浮岩引起广泛的关注,其颜色成因问题更是讨论的热点。本文通过野外地质调查、显微形貌和地球化学分析等方法,探索了黄色浮岩的颜色成因问题,并对此次喷发活动(天文峰期喷发)有了更进一步的认识。黄色浮岩与其下部灰白色浮岩应为同一期喷发所形成,两者成分一致且特征相似。黄色浮岩初始颜色为灰白色,后期受所处环境(降水丰富)与本身气孔特征的影响,浮岩内发生了元素析出和元素沉淀的过程。首先,浮岩内Si与H2O结合形成弱硅酸(H2Si O3),而大气中CO2与H2O结合形成弱碳酸(H2CO3),在弱酸环境下火山玻璃逐渐析出Si、K、Al、Ca和Fe等阳离子,而析出的元素易溶于水的部分被流水带走,难溶于水的Fe与Al富集并粘附在火山玻璃壁上,同时由于Fe可与H2O络合形成黄色的Fe的水合物(Fe2O3·n H2O),而Al与H2O络合形成凝胶状白色水合物(Al2O3·n H2O),两者混合形成了黄色胶状物粘附在火山玻璃壁上,改变了浮岩原本的灰白色,形成了黄色浮岩。因此,天文峰期浮岩的黄色是由于后期风化淋滤作用所造成,属于次生色。本研究提高了对火山喷发堆积物风化淋滤作用过程的认识,也为其他地区相似颜色变化问题的讨论提供了借鉴。  相似文献   
《China Geology》2020,3(2):314-338
The Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB) spans three terrain steps in China and features diverse topography that is characterized by significant differences in geological structure and present-day crustal deformation. Active faults and seismic activity are important geological factors for the planning and development of the YREB. In this paper, the spatial distribution and activity of 165 active faults that exist along the YREB have been compiled from previous findings, using both remote-sensing data and geological survey results. The crustal stability of seven particularly noteworthy typical active fault zones and their potential effects on the crustal stability of the urban agglomerations are analyzed. The main active fault zones in the western YREB, together with the neighboring regional active faults, make up an arc fault block region comprising primarily of Sichuan-Yunnan and a “Sichuan-Yunnan arc rotational-shear active tectonic system” strong deformation region that features rotation, shear and extensional deformation. The active faults in the central-eastern YREB, with seven NE-NNE and seven NW-NWW active faults (the “7-longitudinal, 7-horizontal” pattern), macroscopically make up a “chessboard tectonic system” medium-weak deformation region in the geomechanical tectonic system. They are also the main geological constraints for the crustal stability of the YREB.  相似文献   
机载LiDAR在公路勘测方面的用途日益广泛。该文对直升机机载LiDAR在高速公路改扩建中的应用技术路线可行性进行了研究论证,从地面控制测量、点云数据获取、点云数据处理、成果应用等多个方面进行了阐述,通过分析LiDAR点云数据在5种不同地面控制点布设方案校正下的点云数据精度,论证了利用地面控制点对直升机机载LiDAR点云数据进行平面和高程校正的可行性。  相似文献   
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